Air Quality Management Plan Draft Template

Each Megacities Partnership is inherently unique to the city - the local policy, scientific, and cultural context, the data available, and goals vary in each Megacity and drive the direction of the Partnership. Nonetheless, there are some basic frameworks (templates) for certain steps in the process (e.g., information collection, needs assessment, and capacity building) that are relevant to all Megacities and inform the progression of the project. The templates provide meaningful structure to the project, while still maintaining flexibility to meet each Megacity's needs.

A completed Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) Draft has been a primary output for previous Megacities Partnerships (e.g. Accra, Ghana; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). The AQMP is a comprehensive document describing the motivations for air quality management, qualitative and quantitative findings on the impacts of air pollution on the megacity, and most importantly, targeted actions and a path forward for mitigating sources of air pollution. In some cases, the AQMP has also served as a tangible milestone and blueprint for action to attract additional donor support for implementing the AQMP.

The AQMP incorporates the findings of all stages of the partnership and is primarily drafted by the city host agency, with guidance from the Megacity Partner organization. Previously, the template has been initially filled out at a Capacity Building Workshop, while relevant parties are present, and is refined afterwards as analyses are completed and updated. The document typically goes through many drafts before being formally accepted by the city host agency and the city government.

The final document will be available to the public, and subject to the conditions of the public involvement and communication plans described above. The final AQMP can serve as an important launching point for discussions with the donor community, which may be looking for concrete funding opportunities to improve air quality.

The Air Quality Management Plan Draft Template is available below in English, Spanish, Russian and French.